ROBOTS   this link is the time lapsed version of the drawings and features the final product at the end if the clip nancys instructions with Liz blinfolded lizs instructions with Nancy blindfolded

what is a robot? that is the main question. the reasing describes it by different sources in different ways

Karel capek in the 1917 short story- obligatory work or servitude, artificial humanoid machine created in great numbers for a soarce of cheap labour

websters- an auitomatic device that perfoms functions normally ascribed to humans or a machine in the form of a human- repetive tasks

robot insittiute of america - programammable, multifunctional manipulators designed to move material parts, tools through varied programmaed motions.

an interesting point brought up in the reading is how the things that really seperate us from robots is how quick our cognative processes adapt in certain situations. our walks for example are naturally and instinctly engrained to adapt to almost any terrain, and getting a human like walk in robots is almost impossible.  or the idea of our vision being something that makes a robot not fully able to perform to a humans standard.  we can visualize what is not there based on our experiences even if we have no specific knowledge about a certain item we have seen. for example. if we see a table. we know that it has a support system underneath and we can semi guess the layout without ever sing it.

If one takes seriously the arguments of Johnson and Lakoff, then the form of our bodies is critical
to the representations that we develop and use for both our internal thought (whatever that might
mean . . .) and our language. If we are to build a robot with humanlike intelligence, then it must
have a humanlike body in order to be able to develop similar sorts of representations. . . . Since
we can only build a very crude approximation to a human body, there is a danger that the essential
aspects of the human body will be totally missed. .'

what we did for our project, was to try and strip away the human aspect of the drawer. we eliminated the persons vision. and made them only able to follow instrucion. so the person who is telling the drawer where to place lines was in a sense the programmer 

We gave ourselves some set parameters.   
15 seconds to look at the image before hand. For the person giving instructions 

Blindfolded drawer 

We have to draw the same thing 

8 min maximum to run the program 
